Simple Tricks to Get Stomach Sixpacks

Simple Tricks to Get Stomach Sixpacks
poto: thinkstock
Already doing various sporting movements but still haunted belly fat? There may be one simple trick that is forgotten, namely breathing techniques.

Steve Zim, a fitness trainer, reveals the secrets of sixpacks belly that is often forgotten. One of Zim's clients was Adam Rippon, a professional skier in the United States famous for his perfectly sculpted belly.

To the New York Times, Zim reveals that one of Rippon's main focus when the sport is breathing.

"Breathing is everything when talking about abs (stomach) If you want a firm stomach, you have to make it contract," said Zim.

A study at Penn State University said that slow and controlled breathing can make the muscles stretch. Proper breathing techniques also provide a more optimal supply of oxygen to all parts of the body.

"Before every movement, breathe," said Zim.

"Drag the navel to the spine and continue breathing when the contractions, so that the abdominal wall is docked to your body.You will provide space for abs to full contraction by pushing the air out," he continued.

Of course, an athlete of Rippon's caliber is not just breathing. He also combines it with the right diet, among others, consuming lots of protein, vegetables and fruits.

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